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Joomla vs WordPress – The Decision

Joomla! vs WordPressThe Decision

All of the cards now lay on the table.  All of the pros and cons for both pieces of CMS software have been exposed and now it comes time for the decision.  Ultimately, the question is:  “Which one do I use for my website?” Just like real life, the answer depends.  Let’s review the judge’s scorecard:

Capability Joomla! WordPress
Easiest to Install & Use
Most Capability out of the box
Best Social Media Integration
Best for Blogging Websites
Best Client Access Control
Best Page Settings
Best Language Support
Overall Popularity
Largest Demographic User Base
Most Capability Available
Most User Friendly
Best Support Forum
Best Directory Listing
Most Advanced CMS Structure
Best Shopping Carts
Best Editor
Best Printing Capability
Free Hosting
Most Template Capability
Best Comment /Feedback Options
Most Complete Website Solution


So Who Is the Winner?

The only way to figure out who wins is by figuring out what type Website customer you are.

The Penny Pincher

If you are a customer who needs a web presence yesterday, but have little or no money to spend, then WordPress is the winner for you.  With free hosting for WordPress sites available from WordPress, then this is the only way to go without costing you a dime.

The Technologist

Looking for the best website in the world?  Want your website to do everything under the Sun?  Then Joomla!’s “there’s an extension for that” policy makes them the clear winner for you.  Whether you need components, modules or plug-ins, you can use this CMS to make your website into a monster.

The Pro Blogger

WordPress “out of the box” blogging software is second to none.  With the many easy options for Social Media integration readily available, then WordPress is the winner for you.  So go ahead and get your knowledge/opinions shared with the world!

The Control Freak

Do you want to be able to control every click a user makes on your website?  Then Joomla! is your winner.  With Access control, page setting configuration, and template by the page options, there is no contest to the amount of user domination you can have with Joomla!

The Novice Web Designer

If you are new to the web design world, then WordPress would be the winner for you.  With little configuration after installation required, and easy one click updating of plug-ins, WordPress is the clear choice for beginners.

The Veteran Web Designer

If you have a lot of experience in Web Design, Joomla! might be the winner because of all the options available for growth of your website.  You do not want to leave yourself struggling for new options if more complexity needs to be added to your website down the road.

The Social Media Guru

If you require a website that is connected up the yin yang to every popular Social Media website, then WordPress is the winner by ease alone.  WordPress makes adding Social Media through widgets very easy, but also the Facebook/Twitter connect options are not difficult to integrate at all.  Just keep in mind, you will need an application on Facebook/Twitter in order for the connect to work on your website.

The Socialite

If you are looking to build a Facebook style social networking site, then Joomla! is your winner.  With very extensive, but end user friendly components like Jomsocial or Community Builder available, Joomla! gives you the tools you need.  Let’s not forget that many other modules and plug-ins from other companies are designed to integrate with at least one of these two Social Networking powerhouses.

All in all, the purpose of your website will decide whether Joomla! or WordPress is the right CMS for you.  Hopefully, this series of articles will help guide you to the right choice for your website.  If you have additional questions or just want to weigh in on who you think the winner should be, comments are always appreciated!

Remember, the right CMS choice in the beginning will save you a lot of headache down the road, so choose carefully.  Good luck!



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