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How to Find New Blog Topics

Blog IdeasStuck in a rut? Do you need more topics to get your blog rolling again?   Keeping content current and fresh on a blog is very important to keep your reader base.  Everyone knows this, but the idea of constantly finding new topics to write about can sometimes be the difference between successful or unsuccessful blogs.  If you have this problem than have no fear!  Trying some of these ideas will help get the “creative blogging juices” flowing!

Review Your Old Posts

Going back and reviewing the topics you have written about in the past is a great starting point to come up with new ideas.  It sounds like the antithesis of what you are looking for,  but if you give your old posts some attention, you may find sub-topics you can cover in more detail, or at least remind yourself of the topics you are an expert at, which will give you a starting point.

Read the Latest News

After you have determined your fields of expertise, use the internet to research what the latest news is on these fields of interest.  Reading articles on a certain subject can really help you get in the mood to write an article on a particular subject.  Also, if you find yourself reading a lot of articles on a specific subject to get all of the information, you may want to think about compiling a digest of the information.  You have to make sure you give your sources credit, but you will have your article.

Create a List Article

I’m sure you have read at least one article in your life that starts with: “Top 5 Reasons…” or “10 Things about (blank) you didn’t know”.  These articles are great for search engines because they are keyword rich, and readers love them because they get right to the point, and that appeals to people who are looking for specific information on your subject.

Answer a Question

Certainly in your field of expertise, you have come across a difficult problem where you had to come up with a solution.  Write about your solution.  Sharing your knowledge may help others not have to go through the discovery process, makes for a great article, and will help bring in blog traffic because these type of articles provide high value.  This article is an example of this.

Check Out Your Social Networking Streams

If you find you have reached this part of the article and still don’t have a clue what to write, then you should check out Facebook, Google+, or Twitter!  See what’s trending!  If you don’t have any ideas, then going to your trusted sources (friends, co-workers, etc.) is the last, best place to find that undiscovered topic.

If you have reached the end of this article without an idea of where to start, then I have a topic you can write about.  “Why it is sometimes difficult to find topics to blog about” is the topic for you.  If this seems ridiculous, sometimes exploring the problem will help you come up with your own solution.

Good Luck!


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