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Google Wave Ends April 30th 2012

wave logoBack in August of 2010, Google announced that they were going to discontinue active development for Google Wave, a web app for real time communication and collaboration.


Now, Google has officially announced the shutdown of the Google Wave project which will happen in two phases.

Stage 1: Google Wave is Read-Only – January 31, 2012

In this stage the creation or editing of waves will be disabled.  This is the time to export your waves and add them to a different project like the Walkaround (Wave on App) project, which includes an experimental feature that will allow you to import your exported waves.

Exporting Your Waves

To export a single wave:

  1. Open the wave you wish to export.
  2. Click Export in the menu. You might need to click “” first to find this option.
  3. Select the download format and whether you also want to export the attachments on the wave.
  4. Click Download and save your wave.

To export multiple waves:

  1. In the navigation panel, select the waves you wish to export (10 waves max.)
  2. Click Export in the menu. You might need to click “” first to find this option.
  3. Select whether you want to also export the attachments on the waves.
  4. Click Download and save your waves.

Stage 2: Google Wave is shut Down – April 30, 2012

At this point in time, the Google Wave servers will be shut down and all of your wave projects need to be exported at that time.


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