How to Make Your WordPress Blog’s Comments Section More Appealing to the Commenter
Did you know that by default, your WordPress blog has the rel=”nofollow” attribute enabled by default? This means that anybody who comments on your blog will not receive a backlink from your website. It takes time and effort to provide an insightful comment, and many people who comment hope that your blog will in return provide a backlink to their blog for their efforts.
Have no fear! There are many plug-ins available to spruce up your comments section. The plug-ins suggested below will add a lot of functionality beyond the WordPress basic comments feature, and entice your readers to actually leave comments, rather than just read and move on. Continue reading
15 Reasons Why Your Blog Will Fail
Everybody and their brother seem to be blogging these days. According to, by the end of 2010 there are 152 million blogs on the internet with many more blogs created each day. Obviously there is no way that all of these blogs will succeed on the internet. As a matter of fact, most blogs will not live to be a year old. Why is that, you ask? There are so many reasons a blog will fail, that I have chosen the top 15 to write about today. I warn you, this is not the shortest post I have written, but at least I have broken them down to points so you can scan the headlines and find the reasons that interest you. Continue reading
How to Generate Income With Google Adsense
There are a lot of ways to monetize your website, but one of the most dominating forms of internet advertising for any blog is Google Adsense. Starting June 18, 2003, Adsense has grown over the past 8 years into a multi-billion dollar industry. In the first quarter of 2011, Google earned US$2.34 billion through its adsense program alone. All of that information aside, there are some considerations you have to take into consideration if you want see some real income from Google Adsense. Continue reading
How to Handle Angry Comments in Social Media
You love to blog. You have developed a great social media profile. You want to share your knowledge and experience with the world. You dream of endless praise from the world as they read and share your thoughts with others. You have come to learn that sometimes people don’t agree with you. They can sometimes become downright rude and insulting when they comment on your posts.
There is a way to get through this professionally.
With these 5 easy steps, you can handle the worst of these “trolls” and what remarks they throw at you. Continue reading
How to Keep Your Blog Reading Audience
The hardest part about maintaining a successful blog is not only attracting new readership, but keeping your loyal readers entertained and thus, keeping your readers coming back to your blog. Below are some helpful tips to keep your blog fresh and exciting, so your loyal readers will return for years to come. Continue reading