Internet Wisdom
Internet Wisdom, KMH Kreations’ Blog is intended to help businesses and other users of the Internet to better understand not only the basics but to have discussions that share wisdom onthe latest ideas that are part of the Internet /Web industry.
We touch on almost every facet of the Internet from hardware tosoftware technology advances and even a bit on the pitfalls of a given technology. The biggest thing we will look at is how the interfaces between hardware and software affect the use of a website. Our effort is to bring the impact into a clearer picture for the end users and their clients.
As we talk with clients it become apparent that many of the technologies that we take for granted are foreign to them and as a result they place a lot of trust into their web designers to provide the right tools for their website. On the other hand, they want technology put into their site for various reasons, unaware of what the cost will be to keep it up and active. In the article, “The Top Three Indicators it is time for A Website Redesign” this situation is discussed.
One key point about Internet Wisdom is its effort to provide ideas and approaches inthe use social media tools like Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn or even basic items like calendars or pictures. Website owners want their site to be alive and vibrant but are not sure what that means in the way of time and energy. A second part of Internet Wisdom’s purpose is to provide insightful information on the Internet’s tools; focusing on what it takes to keep them up to date.
Our mascot “The Honu” represents KMH Kreations on our mission. It is said Honus (Green Sea Turtle) lead the Hawaiian people to their Islands, so KMH Kreations with it’s Internet Wisdom is here to help guide you through the constantly changing sea of Internet information and technology, lead you to where you know what you want, and how it get there.
Join us on this mission, you may have an area you would like to discuss, please share that with us. Stop by and share your thoughts on our Facebook and Twitter pages; just click on the buttons in the upper right corner of this page or fill in the comments section below.
Joomla vs WordPress Round 2 – Joomla
Joomla! – The Pros & Cons
First, we are going to look at Joomla! and discover the options and attributes that may make this the CMS choice for you. Joomla! is a free and open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web.
Joomla! is written in PHP, and uses object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques which is stored in a MySQL database, and includes features such as page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, search, and also supports many languages.
Between March 2007 and February 2011, there have been more than 21 million downloads, with over 7,400 free and commercial extensions available from the official Joomla! Extension Directory and even more available from private companies! Continue reading
Joomla vs WordPress Round 1 – Similarities
To keep up with the times, most websites need a Content Management System (CMS) with database integration to be able to store and retrieve data based on what the client interacts with on the website. Most of the average users out there think that using a CMS is a very expensive idea. Truth is, there are several open source CMS systems available that are free to install on your web hosting space and use. Of the CMS options available, the 2 largest and most supported Content Management Systems are Joomla! and WordPress. Continue reading
What Does IPv6 Mean…
For most of us, we use the Internet and expect that what we are searching for or want to view will just appear. Kind of like a REAL good magic trick. We ask, and then we receive. Well, on June 8, 2011, let’s hope that requests and responses flow just as normal as any day.
Wednesday, June 8 is the International IPv6 test day. What does that mean for the majority of us? In a perfect world, not much. As long as everything goes smoothly, that is. Basically, every computer, printer, internet website has some sort of address where it can be found. And, unfortunately, the Internet neighborhood is running out of addresses. However, the Internet Society (ISOC) has determined a more advanced (and dare I say) even more secure than the current IPv4 standard. When/if the IPv6 is adopted as the industry standard, according to one source, there will be 240 trillion, trillion, trillion addresses available for the taking! Continue reading
Top 3 Indicators it’s Time for a Website Redesign?
In this day and age, everybody and their brother has a website. With the ability to use free software to build a cookie-cutter simple websites, even the less than tech savvy people are now blogging away, trying to promote themselves to the world.
However, any of you professionals out there know that having your website up and running, plus having great content is not enough. Humans are fickle creatures and get bored easily with the “same old, same old”, tired websites that at one point were on the top of the popular reading lists and now are a memory.
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