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Email Spam

Wanting Google+ Invites Causes People to Forget About Spammers

Stop SpamOver the past week, I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of people paste their email address all over the internet.  As a professional Web Designer that works with KMH Kreations, a company that understands privacy protection, this makes my stomach churn.  If you are reading this to find out how to get an invite, the click here to read the only safe, dependable way to get one.

What I can’t believe, is how all of the people have forgotten that spammers thrive on acquiring free contact information.  On a Google+ Fanpage (which doesn’t seem to be affiliated with Google), you can click on the comments of any post and see tons of people who have offered up their email addresses in hopes of receiving an invite.  This is just one example from thousands of web pages that have offered an invite, and have been flooded with addresses.

Come on people, you know better than this! Continue reading


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