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Google +1

Google +1 – What it will do for you

Google +1The Google +1 button is Google’s answer to the Facebook “Like” button.  People who have a Google account will now be able to promote their favorite Websites by clicking the +1 button, thereby saying to their friends and family that they should “check it out”.

If you are wondering where you can find one, the button will be seen in the Android Market, Blogger blogs, Product Search, and YouTube, in addition to any other sites that add them.

What will the Google +1 button do for you?

There are two sides to that story.  The Google +1 button supposedly will benefit everyone, but for this article we will look at two specific groups:  The Developer and the End-User. Continue reading

Adding the Google +1 Button to your Website

Google +1If you haven’t investigated this before, you are in for a treat.  It only takes 2 steps to integrate the Google +1 button into you website.

Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>

Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render.


It really is that simple!  Now you can add this to your website, which will allow your viewers tell the world that your site is the great, and that their friends should check it out!



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